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Ndesign Sweden Use Pixelwarp Keystone for new widescreen racing console.

2021-07-03 21:01

Pixelwix Staff

Curved screen displays,

Ndesign Sweden Use Pixelwarp Keystone for new widescreen racing console.

Ndesign Sweden Use Pixelwarp Keystone for new widescreen racing console.   Multiple Led projectors are used on a curved surface for this extreme racin




Ndesign Sweden Use Pixelwarp Keystone for new widescreen racing console.



Multiple Led projectors are used on a curved surface for this extreme racing simulator.


Company owner Benny Norman of Ndesign Sweden developed a rear projection screen for this amazing racing simulator by using the power of Pixelwarp GPU Warp and Blend features.

The software hooks into the games Direct X to split the image real time across the projectors.