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Pixelwix 360 Degree Projection Screens Becomes High Art.

2021-07-12 16:47

Pixelwix Staff

360 degree displays, Warp and Blend Servers, Warp and Blend Software,

Pixelwix 360 Degree Projection Screens Becomes High Art.

Pixelwix is proud to be picked for the display solution for this amazing visual art display "In the Air"


Pixelwix is proud to be picked for the display solution by T.J .Wilcox for his amazing visual art display "In the Air" at the prestigious Whitney art Museum in Manhattan New York. At 110 feet circumference this is one of the largest 360 displays in USA and features a 12800 pixel wide movie of the New York skyline from dusk till dawn in 30 minutes.
The huge video was synced over two Pixelwarp warp and blend servers using the newly developed Nsync player


Products used:
Pixelwarp Evo 360 warp and blend software.
Two Pixelwarp servers.
Pixelwix Nsync large format media player.
New York Times Review Here